Monday, March 30, 2020

The New Normal

Hello San Juan Tappers!

This is going to be our new normal I suppose. San Juan College has announced that the rest of the semester will be completed through online instruction. I have yet to hear from Leisl if Encore will continue as online instruction, or if they will be working on some sort of a refund schedule. We are all in uncharted territory here and working through it the best we can. Sadly, we will definitely not be having a dance revue on April 25th. Depending on conditions, we may try to get together for SOMETHING at some point in May, but everything is so fluid these days that I can't make any promises.

However, I can continue to provide some level of online instruction. I can keep posting videos. We can have scheduled Zoom classes (Online classes where we all can see and hear one another), or we can give each other a virtual hug and just say "see you soon!" Please leave a comment below or text me with your feelings.

I have been working on the endings One Short Day, Into the Unknown, and Hamilton. (The completed Friend Like Me link is in last week's post.) Although, to be honest, it's hard to feel the drive to work through the tricky parts when we will not be able to perform these pieces, and so much of the ending is formation and visual appeal that is hard to work through without you guys. This truly breaks my heart as these are some of my favorite dances ever.

June Requested the most current version of One Short Day, without any of the instruction.
If you would like to have the step by step class, please see the previous post.

Here are a few tap videos from YouTube you might enjoy trying.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this video so much! He is so fun to watch. Admittedly I didn't put on my taps and actually try the combo but I might someday.
