Thursday, March 12, 2020

Encore Updated

Encore and Tap One Dancers!

You are doing AMAZING this semester. I am so excited with how our piece is shaping up.

Below you will find our most current video, along with a current step sheet.

I have also included a new video of the Shim Sham with the slower tempo.

Have a great break and KEEP DANCING!!!

One Short Day

Intro: 88  Step pivot on "Short" fan arms up an "Emerald" Group one group two.
Hold 1234, Walk to formation 567812345678
888 FLBC FLBC Jazz Square, FLBC FLBC Pivot, FLBC FLBC Jazz Square, FLBC FLBC , step maxi ford, step maxi ford dig.

88 R SH BC, R  FLBC L Irish,  R FLBC Jazz square (2)
88 L SH BC, L  FLBC R Irish,  L FLBC Jazz square (2)
8  Chasse (Step together step) BC R L
88 SHBC SHBC R Irish L Irish,  4count Grapevine with dig, RL
4- Ripple
 LINE CHANGE--Tank Wheel
888 FLBC FLBC Jazz Square, FLBC FLBC Pivot, FLBC FLBC Jazz Square, FLBC FLBC , step maxi ford, step maxi ford dig.

Front Row Line Change Video

Shim Sham SLOWER

Shim Sham:
R Stomp (Brush) Step L Stomp (Brush) Step R Stomp (Brush)  ball change R Stomp (Brush) Step
L Stomp (Brush) Step R Stomp (Brush) Step L Stomp (Brush) ball change L Stomp (Brush) Step
R Stomp (Brush) Step L Stomp (Brush) Step R Stomp (Brush) ball change

R Step L toe back
L Step  Heel R Step Heel L Step
R stamp L Stamp

Cross over:
Push Step or Heel R, L, R, L, R.  L Kick cross over step L, Step R (scuff, R heel, Lstep heel, R step)
Push Step or Heel L R L R. L,  R Kick cross over step R , Step L (scuff, L heel, Rstep heel, L step)
Push Step or Heel R, L, R, L, R.  L Kick cross over step L, Step R (scuff, R heel, Lstep heel, R step)
Push Step L, R kick cross over step R Step L  (Scuff R, L heel, R step heel L Step)
Push Step R, L kick cross over step L (Scuff L, R heel, L step heel)

Tacky Annie:
 Quick step R, L, R (brush) touch, R step L(brush) touch Left step R (brush) touch R step L (brush) touch,
 Quick step R, L, R (brush) touch, R step L (brush) touch Left step R (brush)touch R step L (brush)touch,
 Quick step R, L, R (brush)touch, R step L (brush)touch Left step R(brush) touch R step L (brush)touch,

Half Break:
R step L Step R shuffle ball change
R step L Step R shuffle ball change

Once you know the steps you can put them in order:

Shim Sham
Cross Overs
Tacky Annie
Half Break
Shim Sham
Break (or Freeze)
Cross Overs
Tacky Annie
Break (or Freeze)
Half Break
Break (Or freeze)
Half Break

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