Monday, March 23, 2020

Greetings From a Social Distance

Hello My Beautiful Tap Ladies!

Welcome to Day one of the first official day of the college closing to flatten the curve of COVID19.

As I have told many of you who have messaged me, we are in limbo. A big fat "I don't know" is the answer I have to most questions.

I will be uploading warmups and choreography videos that you can work on at home. In the best case scenario, we will be back to class April 6th. If everyone has practiced, then an April 25th show won't be impossible. :)

Let me know if you need anything or have a suggestion for another video.

Encore Warmup.

Shim Sham Complete Tutorial

One Short Day (Encore and Tap I) Choreography

Frozen Choreography (Tap to Perform) 

Friend Like Me Choreography (Tap II)  (From our last day in Class)
Remember It's a little rough! :)

Hamilton Choreohgraphy (Tap III) (From our last day in class)
COMING SOON! Video Issues