Monday, October 23, 2017

UP on the HouseTop Practice--Credit replacement

Up on the House Top

88 FLBC FLBC maxi ford turn, FLBC, jazz square, click, click click
88 R Cincinnati, L front Cincinnati turn, R step BC, L back Essence, R Back Essence, L Cincinnati (Detroit)
8 R Bombershay, bombershay step (quick) L Bombershay, bombershay step (quick)
8 R Irish, L Irish cross step. L singing in the rain turn (step toe heel, steel, brush, heel) L Stamp

Line Change
8 R SHBC SHBC R Back Essence L Back Essence R SHBC SHBC. Jazz square click click click

Little Nell
8 Cincinnati, RL, Forward Side. Cramp Roll Cramp Roll, eyes

8 R Bombershay, bombershay step (quick) L Bombershay, bombershay step (quick)
8 R Irish, L Irish cross step. L singing in the rain turn (step toe heel, steel, brush, heel) L Stamp

Line Change
8 R SHBC SHBC St scuff heel step scuff heel Step. SHBC SHBC step scuff step. R Step maxi ford

Little Bill
88 paraddidle paradiddle, paradiddle stomp, L Paradiddle, Paradiddle, Paradiddle STAMP. L  7 count Riff.  R Cincinnati stamp.

8 R Bombershay, bombershay step (quick) L Bombershay, bombershay step (quick)
8 R Irish, L Irish cross step. L singing in the rain turn (step toe heel, steel, brush, heel) L Stamp

Line Change
88 FLs, Jazz square (full one)

 Dasher Dancer . . . 
 88 7 count riff--R, L (touch, scuff, heel, dig, drop, heel heel)
88  R Sh Sh SHSH  L Sh sh  Sh step.
88 Cincinnati,RL
88: Draw backs (to one line) R Sp, L heel, R Step heel,

88: Heel grind time step R and Left
8 Irish Irish step (turn half line  L half line right.)
8 Singing in the rain turn. 
88 FLBC FLBC maxi ford turn, FLBC, FLBC FLBC Jazz square click click click.

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