Monday, October 23, 2017

Perfect Christmas Night, Encore

Perfect Christmas Night Encore UPDATED
Christmas Night UPDATED
8 hold
888 FLBC FLBC sugar sugar sugar sugar (3x's)
88 Jitterbug step (R step heel, L step heel, R step heel, L BC) Repeat Left
88 R grapevine kick, jazz square. L Irish, R Irish, L Irish, R Irise
88 L grapevine kick, jazz square, R irish, L Irish, R Irish, L Irish
84 R Paddle turn (FL heel 4 times in circle) R step toe back, L step toe back

Line Change
88 FLBC FLBC Sugar sugar sugar sugar FLBC FLBC sugar sugar sugar sugar (Just twicw)

88 R SH Step L SH Step R SH BC SH Step, L SH Step  R SH Step  L SH BC L SH Step,
8 Slow buffalo, buffalo, buffalo, FLBC.
88 grapevine heel to the front, to the back, to the left, to the right.
84 R Paddle turn (FL heel 4 times in circle) R step toe back, L step toe back

Line Change
88 FLBC FLBC Sugar sugar sugar sugar FLBC FLBC sugar sugar sugar sugar  (just twice)

Instrumental:Opposite directions at the same time
Front LIne: L Grapevine with a kick, jazz square, R grapevine with a kick, jazz square
Back Line: R  Grapevine with a kick, jazz square, L grapevine with a kick, jazz square

8 Front Line First: Pivot to the back Pivot to the front 
8 Back Line, second: Pivot to back, Pivot to the front
88 Step Kick to one line (step right, kick left first)
88 Jitterbug step (R step heel, L step heel, R step heel, L BC) Repeat Left
8 Slow buffalo buffalo, buffalo, FL BC
88 Front row pivot, everyone snap (4 times)
84 Back row pivot, everyone snap  (2 times)
FLBC FLCB sugar sugar sugar sugar (4 times)
Pose merry Christmas

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