Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Up on the HouseTop and Perfect Christmas Night Practice Videos

Up on the Housetop

88 FLBC FLBC maxi ford turn, FLBC, jazz square, click, click click
88 R Cincinnati, L front Cincinnati turn, R step BC, L back Essence, R Back Essence, L Cincinnati (Detroit)
8 R Bombershay, bombershay step (quick) L Bombershay, bombershay step (quick)
8 R Irish, L Irish cross step. L singing in the rain turn (step toe heel, steel, brush, heel) L Stamp

Line Change
8 R SHBC SHBC R Back Essence L Back Essence R SHBC SHBC. Jazz square click click click

Little Nell
8 Cincinnati, RL, Forward Side. Cramp Roll Cramp Roll, eyes

8 R Bombershay, bombershay step (quick) L Bombershay, bombershay step (quick)
8 R Irish, L Irish cross step. L singing in the rain turn (step toe heel, steel, brush, heel) L Stamp

Line Change
8 R SHBC SHBC St scuff heel step scuff heel Step. SHBC SHBC step scuff step. R Step maxi ford

Little Bill
88 paraddidle paradiddle, paradiddle stomp, L Paradiddle, Paradiddle, Paradiddle STAMP. L  7 count Riff.  R Cincinnati stamp.

8 R Bombershay, bombershay step (quick) L Bombershay, bombershay step (quick)
8 R Irish, L Irish cross step. L singing in the rain turn (step toe heel, steel, brush, heel) L Stamp

Perfect Christmas Night

Christmas Night
8 hold
888 FLBC FLBC sugar sugar sugar sugar (3x's)
88 Jitterbug step (R step heel, L step heel, R step heel, L BC) Repeat Left
88 R grapevine kick, jazz square. L Irish, R Irish, L Irish, R Irise
88 L grapevine kick, jazz square, R irish, L Irish, R Irish, L Irish
84 R Paddle turn (FL heel 4 times in circle) R step toe back, L step toe back

Line Change
88 FLBC FLBC Sugar sugar sugar sugar FLBC FLBC sugar sugar sugar sugar (Just once)

88 R SH Step L SH Step R SH BC SH Step, L SH Step  R SH Step  L SH BC L SH Step,
8 Slow buffalo, buffalo, buffalo, FLBC.
88 grapevine heel to the front, to the back, to the left, to the right.

Line Change
88 FLBC FLBC Sugar sugar sugar sugar FLBC FLBC sugar sugar sugar sugar (Just once)

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