Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Encore Step Sheet UPDATED

UPDATED October 31, 2019

Warmer in the Winter

88 R Pivot. R Back Side ST. L SHBC SHBC  L Jazz Square
88 L Pivot. L  Back Side ST. R SHBC SHBC  R Jazz Square
 SLOW Music
8 4ct grapevine RL
8 Pivot front
88 Soft shoe combo of one and two RL (Step tap step tap step BC BC BC)
88 FLBC FLBC Jazz Square Step Maxi ford stamp
Line Change
888 ST Heel ST Heel FLBC FLBC, ST heel ST heel FLBC FLBC
ST Heel ST Heel FLBC FLBC St Maxi ford stamp.
88 R Back Essence L Back Essence, SHBC SHBC FLBC FLBC
8 4-count Grapevine L R
8 Slow Buffalo Slow Buffalo
88 R Pivot. R Back Side ST. L SHBC SHBC  L Jazz Square
 SLOW Music
8 4ct grapevine RL
8 Pivot front
88 Soft shoe combo of one and two RL (Step tap step tap step BC BC BC)
88 FLBC FLBC Jazz Square Step Maxi ford stamp
Line Change
888 ST Heel ST Heel FLBC FLBC, ST heel ST heel FLBC FLBC
ST Heel ST Heel FLBC FLBC St Maxi ford stamp.
8   ST Kick ST Kick ST Kick ST Kick (To one Line)
8 ST half pivot, Pivot backe end

Maxi Ford Practice

Thursday, September 19, 2019

CLC Choreography

UPDATED October 8, 2019

Tap 2: Christmas Every Day

BC= Ball Change

Step Sheet:

88 Hold 4, FLBC FLBC R FL Heel L FL Heel R FLBC  LFLBC,
88 R FL Heel  L Fl Heel, R SHBC  R FLBC   L FL Heel  R Fl Heel, L SHBC  L FLBC

88 R SHBC Irish (SH hop Step) L SHBC Irish (SH Hop step)
8 4count Grapevine with dig, R and L
8 R Pivot Turn
8 Cross Hop L SH BC Iris (SH Hop Step) R Step Heel L Step Heel R SHBC Irish
88 Bombershay, two slow, Pivot Turn
Grapvine opposite Directions SHBC SHBC SHBC Step

Tap 3 Hey Santa

Intro: organized chaos :)

8888: FL heel grapevine, Cincinnati R L, Repeat
88 SHBC SHBC Irish pause. 6 running SH, start L. End with hands up.

88 Back Essence RLR, Pencil Turn
88 SHBC SHBC Irish turn, Paradiddle RLR Stamp with confetti guns ;P

88 5 ct Riff Walk R L, R Fall off the Log (Forward back SHBC) Irish to front
8 Sugars forward start L. SHBC Turn, "Toe" stand (Modify where necessary)
Line Change dig drops Out dig Cross Front Out Dig Cross Front
Step Maxi ford Stamp

Helpful Practice Videos

Here are a few of Rod Howell's practice videos. He takes things super slow and the videos are great for repetition!

Basic toes and heels

Shuffles and Flaps!

Welcome to Fall 2019

Welcome to Tap for Fall 2019

This is the place for all things tap for CLC and Encore. I will post step sheets and videos as well as helpful links to other sites.

Instructor Info:
Marilee Herman

Important Dates:
Dance Revue/Holiday Spectacular November 23, 2019
Dress rehearsal 2:00 pm Show 7:00 pm

Required Materials:
Tap Shoes
Pitcher’s rosin (to keep your shoes from being too slippery)
Water (at each class)
Black slacks for Performance (Encore, Tap 2)
Black leggings and Black fitted cap sleeve tee for performance (Tap 3)

Other Resources:
YouTube: search Rod Howell
YouTube: search Marilee Herman

Thursday, April 11, 2019

TV Themes--Tao Credit Class Choreography

These videos are a little rough, but they should be helplful for your practice.

We will be working on POLISH (and timing) over the next few weeks.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

We go together ending, slowed down 8% UPDATED with BACK ESSENCE

We Go Together Ending--Slowed down for learning! 

With Music

Without Music, just Marking it

8 Run
8 Kick Kick, step step step.  Slap slap slap, Clap clap thumbs
8 Chasse (Step together step) Ball change (L R)
8 Step BC with hands up R L, back fast for 8
8 Dig RL in a Square( Front, side, back, side)
8 FLBC FLBC R pivot
8 turn front L Irish. SH BC SH BC Cramp roll
8 step heel step heel step heel step heel, Dig dig dig Stomp stomp
8 heels toes, heels toes heels toes heels toes heels toes
8 Sh R L RR
8 Back essence R L,
8 Drag in -arms up
Walk off as friends

Back Essence Practice

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Tap Credit We Go Together--updated

We go Together

Step Sheet Below

Kick step  BC Kick Step BC Kick step BC Kick KIck
Kick step  BC Kick Step BC Kick step BC Kick step
8 FLBC FLBC R pivot
8 Irish R L I SH BC SH BC Cramp roll
8 step heel step heel step heel step heel, Paradiddle Paradiddle Paradiddle Stomp stomp
8 heels toes, heels toes heels toes heels toes heels toes
8 Sh R L RR
8 Back essence R L,
8 Heel Stand Turn,
8 FLBC FLBC (hands behind back) Running shuffles (5-RLRLR)
8 FL Heel LRL Cramp Roll Cramp Roll Cramp Roll Shoulders
8 Butterfly Time Time step
8 R Cincinatti, L Skater turn
8 Chasse R L
8 (Split directions) FLBC FLBC Jazz Square, Charleston Step Pivot , Step Heel Click jump

Ending Step sheet for Group Portion
Nonsense words
8 KOlbe and Tanya run on,
88 Kolbe and tanya dance (second 8 Kennedie and Lydia run on)
88 Kennedie and Lydia dance (Second 8 Laurie, Sarah and Ruth run on)
88 Laurie Sarah and Ruth Dance (Kennedie and Hannah run on)
888 Kennedie and Hannah Dance
8 EVERYONE  Runs on
8 Kick Kick, step step step.  Slap slap slap, Clap clap thumbs
8 Chasse (Step together step) Ball change (L R)
8 Step BC with hands up R L, back fast for 8
8 Paradiddle R L a Square( Front, side, back, side)
8 FLBC FLBC R pivot
8 Irish R L I SH BC SH BC Cramp roll
8 step heel step heel step heel step heel, Paradiddle Paradiddle Paradiddle Stomp stomp
8 heels toes, heels toes heels toes heels toes heels toes
8 Sh R L RR
8 Back essence R L,
8 Heel Stand Turn, Jump
Walk off as friends

Tap Two Welcome to the 60's

Welcome to the 60's Final

Step sheet SOON!

Encore Cincinnati Practice

Here is the video of me Breaking down the Cincinnati, Also called the Manhatten, Alexander Shirley Temple, and, in the weird universe that is BYU, Eleanor Powell.

Also Rod Howell's Version

Tap Credit Class Choreography

Andy Griffith: (Ray and Delwyn)
Stay tuned for Video!

(Facing Backwards)
Pivot turn
Grapevine R x4
L Clunk slide
Jazz Square
Modified Charleston (step forward, step, clunk to side)
Back essence (start with r foot)
Back essence, fast step R
Grapevine L x4
R Clunk slide (modified bombershay? Clunkershay?)
Clunk R
Clunk L
Right step Toe

Bonanza (Suzie)
Stay Tuned for Video

Walk 7 (Start Left)
R Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo, FLBC
L Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo, FLBC
FLBC in circle with Lasseo (LRLR)
Cincinatti LR Wipe Brow
Cramp rolls in square, GR 1
Cramp Rolls in square GR 2

Cheers (Jamie, and a little bit Marilee ;P)
Shane turn (1,2,3)
Butterflt Time Step
Cramp Roll Cramp Roll
R Cincinnati , L Brush front R Heel, L Brush Back Right heel, L FLBC
Singing in the Rain Turn
Back Essence L R
Shim Sham Scuff heel cross. L SHBC(Slower)
L Skater Turn
R 3count Riff, R Step maxi ford with extra spank.

Matlock (Sarah)
Line Change
Drag to spot spank step
Soft shoe L
Soft show R slow
Irish Irish
Heel Grind time step in a round (4 groups)
Buck Tine step
Cross over turn

Friends (Laurie and Dru)

Intro/Line Change
R & L Fl BC Out out in in X 2, repeat (8 8)
R & L Cincinnati (8)
R Sh BC x2, R step (touch)

Shim Sham (8 8 8 )
Break (8)
R & L Double Irish (8)
R & L Bombershay, R skater turn in in out out (8)

Single Time step, clunk X 3 (8)
Single Time step, jazz square (8)
Single Time step, pivot turn (8)
L & R Cincinnati, L St maxi ford

Monday, February 25, 2019

All Shook Up, Encore

UPDATED!!!! 3/18/2019
Here is the step sheet for the Encore and Tap 1 piece

Key: SH=shuffle  BC =ball change  FL=Flap R=Right  L=Left

88 hold
88 Four Count grapevine. (R) SH BC SH Step  Four Count grapevine. (L) SH BC SH Step
88 Jitterbug step  (R Step Heel, L Step Heel, Right Step heel, L BC) Out out, In in, step forward. (All shook up
88 Soft shoe (Step R tap left front, step L tap right front, step R left tap front back front.) Repeat L.
88 R FL BC FL BC sugar sugar sugar sugar(Touch, no weight on the last one) Repeat L.
 R SH BC SH BC Irish, out out in in, step forwrd (all shook up)
88 Line Change: Dig drop R L (8 times)
88 Jazz Square (Cross R, step back L, Step out R, step forward L) Step L BC Jazz Square (Cross L , step back R, Step out L, step forward R) Step R BC.
88 Step heel RLRL SH BC SH BC out out in in  (arms big)
88 Four Count grapevine. (R) SH BC SH Step  Four Count grapevine. (L) SH BC SH Step
88 Jitterbug step  (R Step Heel, L Step Heel, Right Step heel, L BC) Out out, In in, step forward. (All shook up
88 R Toe (side front side front) R Step, L SHBC Step
L Toe (Side front side front)  L Step, R SHBC TOUCH!!
88 R FL BC FL BC sugar sugar sugar sugar (2 times in a circle)
88 R SH BC SHBC Irish. L bombershay bombershay, R bombershay bombershay.
88 Jazz Square (Cross R, step back L, Step out R, step forward L) Step L BC Jazz Square (Cross L , step back R, Step out L, step forward R) Step R BC.
88 Jitterbug step  (R Step Heel, L Step Heel, Right Step heel, L BC) Out out, In in, step forward. (All shook up
88 R toe (side front side front)  RStep  LSH BC Step. Repeat starting with left toe
88 Step heel step heel Step heel step heel. Right Pivot Right pivot--All shook up, pose.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Encore All Shook Up

Here is the Video for All Shook Up. Just the beginning

Here is the Practice for the Cincinatti/Alexander Step we learned today in class

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Welcome Back

Tap class is back in session.

The credit class started this week and the Encore class started this morning. Community Learning Center Classes will start next  Thursday!

This semester our show will be at the Little Theater and will take place on April 27th.

If you are needing shoes this semester, I really reccommend Amazon. They are offering lower prices for shoes than I can get with my teacher deal Discount Dance, plus Amazon's shipping is faster. Just make sure to read the reveiws to buy the correct size. Each manufacturer has slightly different reccomendations for sizing.

Spring 2019

February 18, 2019
President’s Day Holiday – Campus Closed
March 13, 2019
      Written Midterm Credit tap
April 27, 2019
Spring Dance Revue: Dress Rehearsal 1:00 pm Dance Revue 7:00 pm
San Juan College Little Theater
March 18-21, 2019
Spring break – Campus Closed
April 29, May 1, 2019
Choreography Projects Due
May 6, 2019
Final Exam Tap Credit

Reccommeded Texts and Websites