Wednesday, April 10, 2019

We go together ending, slowed down 8% UPDATED with BACK ESSENCE

We Go Together Ending--Slowed down for learning! 

With Music

Without Music, just Marking it

8 Run
8 Kick Kick, step step step.  Slap slap slap, Clap clap thumbs
8 Chasse (Step together step) Ball change (L R)
8 Step BC with hands up R L, back fast for 8
8 Dig RL in a Square( Front, side, back, side)
8 FLBC FLBC R pivot
8 turn front L Irish. SH BC SH BC Cramp roll
8 step heel step heel step heel step heel, Dig dig dig Stomp stomp
8 heels toes, heels toes heels toes heels toes heels toes
8 Sh R L RR
8 Back essence R L,
8 Drag in -arms up
Walk off as friends

Back Essence Practice

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