Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Tap Credit Class Choreography

Andy Griffith: (Ray and Delwyn)
Stay tuned for Video!

(Facing Backwards)
Pivot turn
Grapevine R x4
L Clunk slide
Jazz Square
Modified Charleston (step forward, step, clunk to side)
Back essence (start with r foot)
Back essence, fast step R
Grapevine L x4
R Clunk slide (modified bombershay? Clunkershay?)
Clunk R
Clunk L
Right step Toe

Bonanza (Suzie)
Stay Tuned for Video

Walk 7 (Start Left)
R Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo, FLBC
L Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo, FLBC
FLBC in circle with Lasseo (LRLR)
Cincinatti LR Wipe Brow
Cramp rolls in square, GR 1
Cramp Rolls in square GR 2

Cheers (Jamie, and a little bit Marilee ;P)
Shane turn (1,2,3)
Butterflt Time Step
Cramp Roll Cramp Roll
R Cincinnati , L Brush front R Heel, L Brush Back Right heel, L FLBC
Singing in the Rain Turn
Back Essence L R
Shim Sham Scuff heel cross. L SHBC(Slower)
L Skater Turn
R 3count Riff, R Step maxi ford with extra spank.

Matlock (Sarah)
Line Change
Drag to spot spank step
Soft shoe L
Soft show R slow
Irish Irish
Heel Grind time step in a round (4 groups)
Buck Tine step
Cross over turn

Friends (Laurie and Dru)

Intro/Line Change
R & L Fl BC Out out in in X 2, repeat (8 8)
R & L Cincinnati (8)
R Sh BC x2, R step (touch)

Shim Sham (8 8 8 )
Break (8)
R & L Double Irish (8)
R & L Bombershay, R skater turn in in out out (8)

Single Time step, clunk X 3 (8)
Single Time step, jazz square (8)
Single Time step, pivot turn (8)
L & R Cincinnati, L St maxi ford

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