Wednesday, February 7, 2024

We're Back!

 Welcome Back to SJC Tap! 

I am excited to be back teaching Encore Tap this year. 

Things look a little different.We are all in one, very large class, combining all ability levels. To meet the variety of needs, Tuesday classes will focus on basic steps and The Shim Sham. Thursday classes will be devoted to choreography. All students are welcome all days. Choreography will be modified for the various ability levels. 

I will do my best to update the blog so that you can practice at home. 

Right now, we are working on the The Shim Sham. We have introduced the shim sham, the break, and the pushes (crossover)

The Shim Sham

As I have said before, the Shim Sham has many versions, all slightly different. So this is step sheet for the Shim Sham that we will be doing in my class. Remember there are five main steps to the Shim Sham: Shim sham, break, cross overs, tacky annie,  and fall off the log. 

Shim Sham:
R Stomp  Step L Stomp Step R Stomp ball change R Stomp) Step
L Stomp (Brush) Step R Stomp (Brush) Step L Stomp (Brush) ball change L Stomp (Brush) Step
R Stomp (Brush) Step L Stomp (Brush) Step R Stomp (Brush) ball change (just a touch at the end, no weight on right foot.)

R Step L toe back
L Step  Heel R Step Heel L Ball change L Stamp

Cross over/Pushes:
Push Step or Heel R, L, R, L, R.  L Kick cross over step L, Step R (scuff, R heel, Lstep heel, R step)
Push Step or Heel L R L R. L,  R Kick cross over step R , Step L (scuff, L heel, Rstep heel, L step)
Push Step or Heel R, L, R, L, R.  L Kick cross over step L, Step R (scuff, R heel, Lstep heel, R step)
Push Step L, R kick cross over step R Step L  (Scuff R, L heel, R step heel L Step)
Push Step R, L kick cross over step L (Scuff L, R heel, L step heel)

Tacky Annie:
Quick Step R L, R tap, R step, L tap, L Step, Right Tap, R step, L step (weight on 8)

Quick Step R L, R tap, R step, L tap, L Step, Right Tap, R step, L step (weight on 8)

Quick Step R L, R tap, R step, L tap, L Step, Right Tap, R step, L step (weight on 8)

Fall off the log:
R step (forward) L Step (back) R  shuffle ball change

R step (forward) L Step (back) R  shuffle ball change

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