Thursday, April 11, 2019

TV Themes--Tao Credit Class Choreography

These videos are a little rough, but they should be helplful for your practice.

We will be working on POLISH (and timing) over the next few weeks.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

We go together ending, slowed down 8% UPDATED with BACK ESSENCE

We Go Together Ending--Slowed down for learning! 

With Music

Without Music, just Marking it

8 Run
8 Kick Kick, step step step.  Slap slap slap, Clap clap thumbs
8 Chasse (Step together step) Ball change (L R)
8 Step BC with hands up R L, back fast for 8
8 Dig RL in a Square( Front, side, back, side)
8 FLBC FLBC R pivot
8 turn front L Irish. SH BC SH BC Cramp roll
8 step heel step heel step heel step heel, Dig dig dig Stomp stomp
8 heels toes, heels toes heels toes heels toes heels toes
8 Sh R L RR
8 Back essence R L,
8 Drag in -arms up
Walk off as friends

Back Essence Practice