Tuesday, February 27, 2018

You're Welcome Tap II

You're Welcom Step Sheet Tap II

Part One, through the Bridge

8 HOld
8 Hula Grapevine
4 Step touch step touch hula
8  Side back side Irish bombershay
8 FLBC FLBC  Hula Step reach

8 L Side back side Irish Bomber shay
8 SHBC SHBC cramp roll
8FL Heel heelp, (Front) FLap HEEl HEEL (side) FL HEEL HEEL (Back) FL Heel Heel Side
8 Turn (R FL, pivot, R heel. L Heel, Right toe, L Toe) Breathe it in
8 L cincinnati , The hair the bod, Staring at a demi-god

hold 2
R Spank heel toe heel FlBC L Irish R FLBC Running shuffles in a circle
L SPank heel toe heel FLBC R Irish L FLBC, Running Shuffles in a circle, hang loose (demi guy)

3-count riff R 3 x's Jump Heel, Turn, (R FL Heel, L FL Heel  R heel, R FL BC, Lcross BC)
Peg leg: L (Stamp, R FL, L Stamp, R FL, L stamp, R FL, L stamp.) R Irish, Bombershay L R L
Peg leg R. L Irishm Bombershay R L R

L SPank heel toe heel FLBC R Irish L FLBC, Running Shuffles in a circle,
R Spank heel toe heel FlBC L Irish R FLBC Running shuffles in a circle

Line Change
8 Grapevine, SPank Step

FLBC FLBC Cincinatti turn Sp step sp step paradiddle (3xs) Step maxi ford
Buffalo, buffalo, buffalo front front back back , buffalo, buffalo, front front back back
Cramp roll turn, Cramp roll turn. Air plane turn (4 x's)
Buffalo Buffalo, hop hop hop hop

TIme step R L R
Heel Grind Time Step R (L Hop RSH RStep LDig, RStep LSpank  LStep)
L Chasse BC, R Chasse, Step L behind turn
Cincinnati, R L R  L Stamp/Point
Back Essence Back Essence Back Essence Back Essence,
SHBC SHBC Trust Fall

Line Change:
FLBC FLBC, Running Shuffles.
Pose One
Pose Two

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