Thursday, February 16, 2017

Credit Tap Week of February 13th

Steps to review:


Back essence:



Notice the ending of this clip does not include the changes after the paradiddles, but I left it in because it shows  The step heel , step heel, step heel hop move that has not changed.

Encore Tap--Evening in Roma--Week of February 13th

Steps to Review:



Grapevine Skater Turn (Quarter Turn)

Step Sheet This Far:
R Scuff L Heel R Step L Step,  R FLBC L FLBC,
R Four count grapevine with Heel dig, Repeat left 
R Toe Heel Jazz Square (2x)
Take  Walk--dig drop dig drop dig drop,  Down up down up, Repeat (no up downs)
R Scuff L Heel R Step L Step,  R FLBC L FLBC,
R Four count grapevine with Heel dig, Repeat left 
R Toe Heel Jazz Square (2x)
R FLBC FLBC R Cincinnati
L FLBC FLBC L Cincinnati
R FL forward, Step Back, Fl forward Step Back, Slow Pivot
R FL Together (with hands) Fl Together FL Together. R Step R Arm around.
L FL Together (with hands) Fl Together FL Together. R Step R Arm around.
R Scuff L Heel R Step L Step,  R FLBC L FLBC,
R Four count grapevine with Heel dig, Repeat left 
R Toe Heel Jazz Square (2x)
R Grapevine Cross Skater quarter turn
L Grapevine Cross Skater quarter turn

Thursday, February 2, 2017

New warm Up

New Warm Up

Toe Toe Toe Toe 2XRight 2X Left (Repeat 4x's)
Heel Heel Heel Heel 2XRight 2X Left (Repeat 4x's)
Step Heel Step Heel Step Heel Heel Step (Repeat 4x's)
Dig Drop Dig Drop Dig Drop Dig Drop Drop Step (Repeat 4x's)
Shuffle Step (Slow, then Fast)
Buffalo Buffalo Flap Step, Flap Step step (LR 4x's)
Cramp Roll Cramp Roll Spank step Spank Step Dig Dig Spank Step Spank Step (Repeat 4x's)
Repeat double time.

Spring Semester 2017

Welcome to Spring Semester of Tap Classes at
San Juan College!

This year our theme for our Dance Revue will be:

The Best Things Happen When You're Dancing: A Tribute to Classic Hollywood

Each class will have their own number as well as participating in a finale number with all other tap students.

Tap Credit: Good Mornin'
Encore Tap: On an Evening in Roma
Tap II: Puttin' on the Ritz
Tap III: Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy
All Classes: Singing in the Rain/Umbrella Glee Mashup

Important Dates to Remember:

Dance Revue: April 29th
    Little Theater: Dress Rehearsal at 1:00 pm Show at 7:00 pm, Dancers arrive at 6:00 pm.

President's Day: February 20th No Classes (Encore and Credit)

Spring Break: March 21-25 No Classes

Blog updates will happen weekly. Look for the title of your class in the post title to make sure you are getting the info for your class specifically!

Happy Tapping!!