Saturday, August 20, 2016

Welcome Back

Let's Get Tapping!

The Credit Tap Class begins Monday, August 22, 2016 (Register by Thursday August 25th)
Encore Tap begins Wednesday, September 7, 2016
CLC Tap I, II, and III begin Thursday September 8, 2015 (Register by September 7th)

Our Dance Revue will be November 19th, with the dress rehearsal the same day.
Our theme will be "Let It Go"
Credit will dance to :Wavin' Flag by K'Naan
Encore will dance to: Ob La Di Ob La Da by the Beattles
Tap II will dance to:Go Big or Go Home by American Authors or Fight Song by Rachel Platten
Tap III will dance to: Shake It Off by Taylor Swift or Honey I'm Good by Andy Grammer

Students will be allowed to perform solos and duets as desired. We will have space for three additional numbers. Students must choreograph their own additional number, but have their music, choreography, and costuming approved beforehand. Music selections must not exceed 2 minutes.

Course Guide (For Credit)

DANC299-001 (102879) /DANCE 299-002(102880)
Course Guide
Fall 2016
Marilee Herman
Office Hours:  
As Needed

Meeting Location and Times

08/22/2016-12/14/2016 Special Topics Monday, Wednesday 09:00AM - 09:50AM, West Classroom Comp Lower, Room 1905

Course Description

A fun energetic introduction to tap dancing. Each class will build upon basic skills, combining steps into dance routine to be performed at the semester-end Dance Revue. Students will also be expected to learn step names and a basic history of tap.



Required Text

Tap Shoes: Participation points will be reduced if students do not have tap shoes in class by September 3rd
        For a higher quality sound, look for shoes with taps that are attached with SCREWS, not nails or rivets. (look closely as some manufacturers try to make it look like it is a screw, but it cannot be loosened. Capezio is usually a safe brand. Bloch is too, but is usually more expensive.) If ordering online make sure to read all the information to find out if the sizing matches street shoe sizing. Reading reviews will help you make a decision on the best shoe for you.
Locally: Dance Connection, Mann Dance and Dance4Him have a small supply of tap shoes. Payless Shoes also carries tap shoes, but the styling is designed for children.
        Online:. Discount Dance Supply also carries a wide variety, if you enter teacher code 78117 : you can receive 10% off your first order. Amazon and Zappos both usually have a tap shoes starting at around $25 and up. Both offer free shipping and free returns.

 Appropriate clothing for class. Students will also need to provide the basis for their dance revue costumes. Generally we work within the framework of a typical wardrobe (Black pants, colored tees, jeans, leggings, etc.) and I add accessories. I will give you plenty of notice for costuming needs. If you do not have/cannot afford the items required, please let me know and we can work something out.

Recommended Text

·         United Taps with Rod Howell or
·         Instructor Blog
·         What the Eye Hears: A History of Tap Dancing Brian Seibert,

Course Requirements

Students will do the following activities:
                                                        1. Execute basic tap exercises and technique
                                                        2. Perform center tap step combinations,
                                                        3. Perform given tap combinations across the floor
                                                        4. Choreograph short combination or warm-up routine
                                                        5. Perform in Semester-end Dance revue
                                                        6. Take a Written Mid-term about step names and basic Tap history

Additional Requirements for Honors Students (Section 0H1)

No Additional requirements

Participation and Attendance Policy

Attendance is 45% of class grade
               10 points daily
                        2 points on time
                        2 points dressed appropriately (shoes)
                        6 points participation/effort

Other Classroom Policies and Expectations

Missed Class:
I understand that life happens and you will occasionally have to miss class. If you must miss, please text or email me BEFORE class and let me know that you are missing and why. If you notify me, you will still receive 4 participation points, up to three times. Classes can also be made up during my CLC classes on Thursday evenings (6-7 or7-8pm). The same point schedule will apply to make up classes (punctuality, etc.)  If you are auditing my class, I would also appreciate knowing if you are missing. A quick text/or email goes a long way.

Dance Revue:
Participation in the Dance Revue is not optional. I expect each student to diligently work to learn the routines and perform to the best of his/her ability. Performances rely on all students in order to be successful. Please submit time off requests early for both the Dress Rehearsal and the Revue.

Choreography Project:
In class collaborative choreography. The class may work together to create a routine for the dance revue. Groups of three-four students will each be responsible for a short section of the number.
Individual Choreography. Each student will need to choreograph at least six eight-counts, to music of their own choosing. These routines will be shared the last two weeks of class. We will spend time in class practicing choreographing


To determine final grades.…
Choreography Project
Dance Revue

Key Dates to Remember

Fall 2016
August 22
First Day of Instruction
August 22-September 9
Drop Period for Full-Term Classes
(No Grade Recorded on Transcript)
September 3-5
Labor Day Holiday – Campus Closed
October 12
      Written Midterm
November 19
Fall Dance Revue: Dress Rehearsal 1:00 pm Dance Revue 7:00 pm
San Juan College Little Theater
November 23-27
Thanksgiving Holiday – Campus Closed
December 5 and 7
Choreography Projects Due
December 12
Final Exam
December 14
Last Day of Semester
December 17-January 1
Winter Break – Campus Closed


College Policies

The following information also applies to your work in this class.
1.       Academic Accommodations—American with Disabilities Act (ADA)
If you believe you need academic accommodations due to physical or learning disabilities, you are encouraged to inform me as soon as possible.  If you have special needs for campus emergency situations, please inform me immediately.  You can also contact the college’s disability advisor in the Advising/Counseling Center at 566-3271.  The advisor can work with you in verifying your disabilities and developing accommodation strategies. 
2.       The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Your personal information and grade are confidential.  Aside from routine reporting to the college required for this course, I will not share such information with anyone unless I have your permission.
3.       Academic Honesty Rules
San Juan College expects all students to adhere to the Academic Honesty Rules as posted online: <>.  These are the official guidelines for all classes at San Juan College (July 2006).
4.       Student Conduct Statement
College is preparation for professional opportunities, and professional conduct is expected in courses, including online classes, as well as any written communications, and interactions with members of the college community.  As part of our learning community, students are expected to interact and communicate in a mature, respectful, thoughtful, and supportive manner.  Students who demonstrate disrespectful, hostile, belittling, bullying or other disruptive behavior will be subject to potential consequences and possible dismissal from the college.  The college will take appropriate action when students demonstrate threatening behavior (to others or self).  Students should refer to the Code of Conduct in the Student Handbook for additional information.
5.       Student Safety  
Keeping students safe is a priority, and part of that is ensuring that we have the ability to communicate emergency messages – whether for school closures due to weather or for more or urgent situations. Rave is San Juan College’s emergency messaging system.  Through your SJC student email, you will automatically receive email messages, however, it is also vital that you receive text messages.  In order to receive the messages, you must register with Rave. This is a simple process and can be done at  When registering, please make sure that your mobile status is “confirmed.”
The Department of Public Safety is available 24 hours per day.  In an emergency, they can be accessed by calling 215-3091 or 566-3333.
In the event of an emergency, a Rave message will be sent, and depending on the situation, you will be instructed to do one of the following:
o    Evacuate the building
o    Shelter in place (Campus doors are locked, and operations continue as normal. During this situation, no one other than law enforcement is allowed in or out of the campus.)
o    Lockdown (Campus doors are locked. All operations cease, and you should take cover in your immediate area. No one other than law enforcement is allowed in or out of the campus.)
6.       Drop for Non-Attendance and/or Non-Participation  
Class Attendance and Participation Expectation:
Face-to-Face – Students are expected to attend and participate in class regularly.  Any student missing more than 10% of consecutive class time, (For example, in a regular 15 week class that meets twice a week, this equates to the student missing 3 consecutive classes) without consultation with the instructor may be considered as having abandoned the course.
On-line – Students are expected to participate regularly and submit all course assignments, based on the course guide definition.  A student who does not submit any assignments during a consecutive 10% of the course (1.5 weeks of a 15 week semester) without consulting the instructor, may be considered as having abandoned the course.  Logging in does not meet the attendance standard.
Competency-Based Education Classes – Students are expected to have regular and substantive interactions with their instructor and to actively work on course content.  A student who has not submitted coursework, nor had substantive interactions with the instructor over a consecutive 10% of the term, without the instructor’s prior approval, will be considered to have abandoned the competency progression.  Last date of attendance will be recorded as the last date that coursework was submitted or that the student met with the instructor.  For
on-line learners, logging in does not meet the attendance standard.

Failure to Meet Class Participation Expectation:
Students who fail to meet participation expectations will have their last date of attendance recorded.  This date will be used to recalculate any financial aid received/veteran’s benefits received, and the student may be required to repay the institution/government.  If the student does not drop the course, an ‘X’ grade will be recorded.  An ‘X’ grade impacts the grade point average the same as an ‘F’.

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