Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Shim Sham Revisted

 We have started  learning the shim sham again in the Encore and Tap 1 classes.

Here is the link to the original step sheet.

Here is the link to some fun videos.

Here is the link to me doing the Shim Sham step

Here is the link to me doing the Break.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Encore and Tap One Choreography

One Short Day

One Short Day Video

Intro: 88 ( We will add something here later)
888 FLBC FLBC Jazz Square, FLBC FLBC Pivot, FLBC FLBC Jazz Square, FLBC FLBC , step maxi ford, step maxi ford dig.

88 R SH BC, R  FLBC L Irish,  R FLBC Jazz square (2)
88 L SH BC, L  FLBC R Irish,  L FLBC Jazz square (2)

Click on the link below for video.
One Short Day Video

Friday, February 7, 2020

Tap Two Choreography

Friend Like Me UPDATED February 25, 2020

Friend Like Me February 27 recording

88 Drums Hold

88 FLBC Maxi Ford, FLBC Maxi Ford, FLBC Maxi Ford, Out out in in (Double cramp roll) Chug

8  R FL Heel L FL Heel R FL Heel R Hop L FL Heel R FL Heel L FL Heel L Hop (running arms)

8 R Back essence (R Sp R ST Lbout  R ST), L Back Essence, R Sp st L st  R St.(Turn, half or full)

Heel Stands Front (out out) ST ST  Side Heel Stands Back (Out Out) ST ST Opposite directions,
Paradiddle Paradiddle Paradiddle Pop--jump

forward behind, switch, bombershay.

FL Heel Heel FL Heel Heel Cincinatti Jump toe.
Fall off log (Forward back SHBC) Jazz Square

Whisper runs, half pivot, friend like me.

Grapevine. Step Maxi ford. Cincinatti RL
 Double Cramp roll--out out in in, chug Split lines

Pivot, Cramp Roll (Groups)
Singing in the rain turn R. Skater turn left.

Friend Like Me: February 6th recording

Tap Three Helps/ Tap to Perform

Pull backs

Rod Howell Video-This is actually more involved than the first one I found. He differentiates between pullbacks and pickups. He will show the difference, but we are probably not going to get that nuanced, but maybe after we all get awesome at them, we will be ready to feel the difference! Also, he got a new haircut and seems more comfortable in front of the camera than before, which I like.

Choreography Page and Video

Tap Three Choreography

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Encore and Tap One Practice and Tips

Encore Beginning Weeks

Here are some links to other teachers doing basically what we have done in class. Everyone teaches it just a little bit differently, so maybe something will click that didn't in my class.

Rod Howell has a great practice that is mostly heels and toe taps. But it is 45 minutes of basically heels and steps

Shuffle and Shuffle Ball Change




Tap to Perform Choreography

Into the Unknown UPDATED February 25, 2020

February 19th Video

Intro--Fan Arms R L
88 FLBC FLBC FLBC FLBC FLBC to spot. Skater turn to face assigned direction.
88 FLBC FLBC Jazz Square(turning quarter turn) Chasse BC Step Irish Cramp Roll turn (Half turn).
88 FLBC FLBC Jazz Square. Grapevine with switch hop. Bombershay Stamp,(on 1)
88 Hold 234, FLBC FLBC Step pivot, walk 345678.(Line change)

88 SHBC SHBC SHBC (Levels) Irish, SHBC Cramp Roll (Left) Step Maxi Ford
88 Suzinatti (R FL L Heel R Heel, R Spank L Heel, R Toe, L heel) R Cincinatti, L singing in the rain turn. (Step toe heel step spank heel step) R SHBC Cramp roll
88 Irish Irish, Chasse Right Chasse left St R Skater Turn
 R Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo, FLBC,
Paddle Turn
Time Step R L (Stomp hop shuffle step Fl BC Stomp Hop shuffle step FL BC) Stomp

Suzinatti Step:

Singing in the Rain Turn

Links to the videos on my Google Drive if they don't work so well in Blogger. :)

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Tap Three Choreography

Hamilton Video February 27UPDATED February 25, 2020

Link to costume:
Costume Link on Amazon

Hamilton Mashup

Everyone: Turn R SH ST RHeel LHeel RToe LToe

First Row:7 beat Riff, R and L (Touch scuff heel toe heel heel)
Add Second Row: R Cincinnati, L Cincinnati modified with two taps ( LFL  R Heel  L Heel  R Spank L Heel R Tap L Heel)
Add Third Row:  FL Heel FL Heel R Provo (R FL  L Heel R heel L Spank-Step R Heel LHeel)
TOES L R Heels LR Toes LR Heels  Toe Back with Arms up (78 Flag higher)

8 Hold 1, Yo on 2, Spank ST, Spank ST, Spank ST.
8 L Cincinnati, SHBC Cramp roll
R Singing in the Rain turn ( Step toe heel step spank heel step toe heel step spank heel)
Paradiddle (6) R Stomp Stomp (NO WEIGHT)

888 Group--Maxi Ford ( R jump L shuffle L jump R toe)1,2   hold 345678  THREE TIMES
8 R Buffalo Buffalo Shuffle shuffle, Slow trenches R L R-to turn.

Chasse BC Left. Turn R SH ST RHeel LHeel RToe LToe
FLBC FLBC FLBC FLBC (Line Change. Two groups)
Cincinnati RL

Group One:
8 Partial Time step, HOLD 4
8 Partial Time step, HOLD 4
8 Partial Time step, HOLD 4
8 Full Time step RL

Group Two:
8 HOLD 2  Paradiddle 6
8 HOLD 2 Toe heel toe, shuffle heel, toe heel toe, touch
8 HOLD 2 Running Shuffles, R L RRR
8 Hold 2, Maxiford. HOLD 2 Maxiford

Every one:
88 FLBC (x8) Line Change to circle.
8 Chaine turn around circle, Hold 4
8 Slow step back (x4) Turn front on final step.

Music Change

88 R Heel Grind Time Step, L Heel Grind time step
88 Detroit R L R Heel Grind Time Step

FLBC FLBC Suzinatti (Cincinatti forward on only one foot)
Cincinatti turn, Cincinatti Scuff scuff,
Spank step spank step, Smack Smack
Heel Heel Heel Smack Smack
Heel Heel Heel Back essence, R L R essence into Turn  and Jump (On Famished)

88 Cramp Roll Cramp Roll (Heels toes R L) (x2)
Maxi ford, Jump toe, Jump Heel, Step Irish cramp roll turn, Toe Toe.
8 L Riff Maxi ford Stamp (the Jamie)

Hold with snaps (Kennedie Solo) Laurie Solo

88 Heel grind time step  R L ,
88 FLBC FLBC FLBC Heel grind time step right

88 L Bombershay (x3) Pause
8 R Scuff L heel  R step L Scuff R heel  L step

Two Groups--going right or left. This will be a pickup, but we can only figure that out when we are together. So just pick a direction you want to go.

8 Fall off the log (Forward back SHBC) Maxi ford (quarter turn to L or Right) Paradiddle Paradiddle.
Fall off the log (Quarter turn, everyone facing the back) Maxi ford Paradiddle paradiddle (Stay facing back) Fall off the log (quarter turn, groups facing each other) SHBC

Jump front, pull back jump wing.

Music Change:

R FLBC FLBC Cincinnati pivot. L FLBC FLBC Cincinnati to front.
R Chasse BC. L Chaine turn point L.
FLBC FLBC forward, Spanks step back (hands rise)
4 Group one: R Irish cramp roll turn (Shuffle hop cramp roll)
4 Group two: L Irish cramp roll turn (Shuffle hop cramp roll)
Walk three steps to final pose. Turn R SH ST RHeel LHeel RToe LToe (Like beginning)
Jump out, Right hand up.

Here is the link to the video on Google Drive