Thursday, September 20, 2018

Encore Santa's On His Way Step Sheet

Santa's On His Way
Updated October 22, 2018

Step Sheet:
Key:  8=eight count  L=left R=right SH=shuffle BC=ball change  FL=flap

884: Hold 8, Grapevine 12 counts.

88 R Double Irish (SHBC SH hop step) L Double Irish (SHBC SH hop step)
88  Hybrid Soft Shoe: R Step Tap, L Step Tap, R Step BC BC BC(fast) Repeat starting L.
88 R Toe Heel, L cross over Toe Heel, Right toe Heel Back, Left Toe Heel (Very modified jazz square) R SHBC SHBC
88 Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo FLBC

88 L Spank R Heel L Toe, R Heel L FLBC  R Double Irish (SHBC, SH hop step) 
88  4-count grapevine LR Jazz Square

88  Hybrid Soft Shoe: R Step Tap, L Step Tap, R Step BC BC BC(fast) Repeat starting L.


88 Step heel Step Heel FLBC FLBC, 2 times,
88 Facing Sideway- 4 count Grapevine R L. Pivot, out turn to front hold 5678.

88 L Spank R Heel L Toe, R Heel L FLBC  R Double Irish (SHBC, SH hop step) 
88  4-count grapevine LR Jazz Square

88 R Double Irish (SHBC SH hop step) L Double Irish (SHBC SH hop step)
88 Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo FLBC

888 L Buffalo, Buffalo FLBC. LINE CHANGE march 8 counts.
Back essence Back Essence, Jazz square, pose.

Christmas Can Can Step Sheet

Credit, Tap 2 and Tap 3 will all be dancing to Christmas Can Can by Straight no Chaser.

Video has been update as of Octber 22nd

Step Sheet: Tap Credit and Tap two

88: Hold 4 counts. FLBC FLBC FLBC FLBC FL (Turn Front) FL FL FL (shopping shopping shopping)

88 R SHBC SHBC SHBC Irish L SHBC SHBC Irish Bombershay (Side brush stamp)
888 FLBC FLBC chasse BC, FLBC FLBC Cincinatti, R Cincinatti turn (FL Heel, Fl Heel Heel FLBC Cross fron6)
88 7 Count Riff, SHBC SHBC, R 7 count Riff, Running Shuffles (4x's)
8888 HOLD 4, SHBC SHBC  HOLD 4 Irish Irish, HOLD 4 Cincinatti, Hold 6, FL FL

 Line Change
88 Fl (8x's) Hold 4. Prep Kick Line 4

88 L Knee Kick, R Knee Kick, L Kick, R Kick, butt kicks LRLR hold
 888 Buffalo, Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo-Front-back, back Buffalo out, hold, over the top

88 FLBC FLBC single Time Step R L. Maxi ford Ripple.
88L Buffalo, Buffalo, Shuffalo, Buffalo Bufflo Step Maxi Ford
88 Line change: cramp rolls and pozes:
88--hold 4, R Cincinatti
88 L Paradiddle (6x) L Stam) FLBC FLBC Maxi ford Toe heel
88 Back Essence Back Essence. Scuff hop spank step, Step.
(Santa Claus) R toe Heel, toe toe, heel heel, toe toe, heel heel, toe toe, heel heel, Toe Toe
8 (Santa santa santa) Jump to kick lines. Connect on 7,8

88 L Knee Kick, R Knee Kick, L Kick, R Kick, L Kick, hold (confusion)
 888 Buffalo, Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo-Front-back, back Buffalo out, hold, over the top

88 FLBC FLBC single Time Step R L. Maxi ford Ripple.
88L Buffalo, Buffalo, Shuffalo, Buffalo Bufflo Step

88 (Wait, for our ending . .) Step out left (Ripple, starting left)
88 (hava nagila . . ) Step Back left (Ripple starting Right)
88 Back essence, Back Essence, Butterfly(Super Slow)
Maxi ford (super fast) SHBC SHBC (fast) Pose

Step Sheet Tap three ( No video right now)

88, FLBC Cincinatti Turn (4x's)
88 7 Count Riff, SHBC SHBC, R 7 count Riff, Running Shuffles (4x's)
8 Stamp Hold 4, Prep on 5
88 Turn Pop up kick BC, Hold 4, Turn Pop up kick BC Hold 4, Butterfly Time step  (Scuff Hop, Spank Step, Pop L, Spank Hop toe Hop) FL FL FL
Line Change
88 FL (8x's) Hold 4 Prep for Kick Line
88 L Knee Kick, R Knee Kick, L Kick, R Kick, butt kicks LRLR hold
 888 Buffalo, Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo-Front-back, back Buffalo out, hold, over the top
88 FLBC FLBC single Time Step R L. Maxi ford Ripple.
88 Line change: cramp rolls and pozes:
88--hold 4, R Cincinatti
88 L Paradiddle (6x) L Stamp FLBC FLBC Maxi ford Toe heel
88 Back Essence Back Essence. Scuff hop spank-step, Step.
(Santa Claus) R toe Heel, toe toe, heel heel, toe toe, heel heel, toe toe, heel heel, Toe Toe
8 (Santa santa santa) Jump to kick lines. Connect on 7,8

88 L Knee Kick, R Knee Kick, L Kick, R Kick, L Kick-Confustion
FLBC to line change. Pivot, Buffalo, over the top.
Trenches, Time Step. Prep, Leap, turn ripple.
R Buffalo buffalo, Shuffalo, Buffalo Buffalo. Stamp
88 (Wait, for our ending . .) Step out left (Ripple, starting left)
88 (hava nagila . . ) Step Back left (Ripple starting Right)
88 Back essence, Back Essence, Butterfly(Super Slow)
Maxi ford (super fast) SHBC SHBC (fast) Pose

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Welcome Back Fall 2018

Welcome Back to Tapping!!!

I'm excited to be back tapping with all of you!

This year, in leiu of a Dance Revue we will be participating in a Holiday fund raising gala to support scholarships for Kids Kollege. The Gala will feature dancers from all over San Juan County! I'm excited to try something new and to support a good cause.

This Gala will be November 17th at 7:00 p.m. Tickets will be $10 for Adults $8 for Students and Seniors and $5 for children under 12 accompanied by an adult. Students will receive vouchers to pre-purchase two half-price tickets each. The dress rehearsal will be the same day at 2:00 pm. It will be a closed dress rehearsal.

There will be two tap pieces. All classes will participate in one number, with different sections featuring different classes. The remaining number is TBD based on interest and ability. All students will need to plan on wearing BLACK SLACKS for this performance (not jeans, leggings, or yoga pants.) This is a great staple piece to any wardrobe, so if you don't have black slacks, it's time to shop!

The group piece will feature Christmas Can Can  from Straight No Chaser.