Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Spring Semester 2018

Welcome to Tap!

I super excited for this semester. We have many new stduents, as well as lots of familiar faces. 

Check the blog often for choreography step sheets, practice videos and more.


You can find more help and practice at United Taps with Rod Howell or check out his youtube channel. He does a good job at breaking things down and taking them VERY SLOW!

We will be working on the Shim Sham in many of our classes. It is serously my favorite!

Dates for the dance revue are still tentative but we are working to get those firm this week!

Spring 2018
1/15; 1/24; 2/1
First Day of Instruction (Credit; Encore; CLC)
February 19, 2017
President’s Day Holiday – Campus Closed

MAY 3rd
Spring Dance Revue: Dress Rehearsal May 1st 6:00 pm Dance Revue May 3rd  7:00 pm
San Juan College Little Theater
March 19-21
Spring break – Campus Closed
5/9; 4/25; 4/26
Last day of classes--credit; encore; CLC

Now lets get Tapping!!!!
