Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Encore Step Sheet and Complete Video

Step Sheet:
Key: FLBC=Flap Ball Change; SHBC=Shuffle Ball change; R=Right. L=Left

Maxi Ford Pick up in three Groups
8 Sugars
Jitterbug Step (R Step Heel L Step Heel R Step Heel L Ball change L Step Heel R Step Heel L Step Heel R BC
8 (16 counts) FLBC in a circle
Irish, Irish, SH BC SH BC
Irish Irish, 2 jazz squares
Jitterbug Step
8 FLBC in a circle with partners(Line change)
7 Count Riff (Brush scuff heel dig toe drop heel heel) R and L
Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo FLBC
Jitterbug step
FLBC to partners
8 FL to pyramid
Back Essence Back Essence SHBC SHBC Back Essence Back Essence
4 count Grape vine R and L
Jitterbug Step
8 FLBC in circle
Cincinatti R L,  Maxi Ford R (SH Jump Toe)  Maxi Ford L (SH Jump Toe), 8 sugars
Jitterbug step,
FLBC off stage

Credit Tap Step Sheet

Blue Foot Boogie

Drums 88, Intro 88, Intro (add guitar) 8888
R Toe Heel, L Toe heel, Right toe heel, HEEL HEEL  (Greased lightning with Left arm on HEEL HEEL) L Toe Heel, R Toe heel,L toe heel, HEEL HEEL  (Greased lightning with Right arm on HEEL HEEL)
 2 Jazz Square

R Kick Step Flap BC, Kick Step Flap BC,
                R Dig Dig back back, Dig Dig Back back(tap)
                L Kick Step Flap BC, Kick Step Flap BC
                LDig Dig back back, Dig Dig Back back(tap)

88 Inst. 88
Double Grapevine split,  L SH bc, SH BC, SH BC Step
Step Maxi Ford Step Maxi Ford
88 Inst. Right Double Grapevine back together,
85 pause 3 fast Cincinatti, Jump center, hold 5

8 Time Step L R,
 8 4 Footloose Kicks,
88R In Out In out L toe heel toe heel L In Out In out R toe heel toe heel,
8Jack Get Back (point 123, jump 45, hold 678)
8Cross Stamp RLRL (Baliwood style)
8 R Stamp, toe out in out  L Stamp Toe out in out
4 head bob J
(e Suede Shoes)
Intro 8888
R Flap Heel Drop, L Flap Heel Drop, R Flap, L Heel, R BC
R Flap Heel Drop, L Flap Heel Drop, R Flap, L Heel, R BC
R Flap Heel Drop, L Flap Heel Drop, R Flap, L Heel, R BC

1234 Cramp Roll Hands forward
5678 Cramp Roll Hands out
1234 Cramp Roll Hands forward
5678 Sugar (Splenda) with Elvis hands

B Chorus 8888
R Side L Back R Side, L BC
L Side R Back L BC
R Side L BC
L Side R BC
R Step L Step
SHBC Stomp

B 8888
Back Essence(RLRL) R Spank step behind  L step OUT R step Back
R Kick Front Side, Step step step
R Side L Back R Side, L BC
L Side R Back L BC
R Side L BC
L Side R BC
R Step L Step
SHBC Stomp

Boogie Shoes
Drum Beat
Right foot behind, turn, put on glasses, Boogie shoulders, Move to Partners
88 Cincinatti R L, Turn L Pivot turn, Big L step Turn back to partner
88 Hold 4 SH SH SH SH Cramp roll on (1, 2) FL Heel/SP ST Heel (3456) Turn front (78)

88 Level Two Soft Shoe Cramp Roll, R only, FL HE HE to side Slide together
88 Level Two Soft Shoe Cramp Roll, R only, FL HE HE to side Slide together

Footloose Ending

CLC Tap III Step Sheet

1941 Tap III

Intro 88—Walk in
88 Ivy solo
88 Cincinatti R L Front and Side
88 7 count Riff Hands together in front
88 Traveling cramp roll R L
88 R Buffalo (3) SH Heel SH Step L Buffalo (3) Sh Heel Sh Step
88FLBC FLBC  R FL Pivot FL Pivot (hands on hips)
FLBC FLBC  FL Side HEEL HEEL lunge Spank step together
8 GR 1: Buffalo Turn hold GR 2 buffalo turn
8 R FLBC L BC in front Pencil turn
8 GR 2: Buffalo Turn hold GR 1 buffalo turn
8 L FLBC  R BC in front Pencil turn PULLBACK’
8 L Cincinatti R BC Lift Turn Spank Step
8 R Cincinnati L Maxi Ford in groups 5.6.7.
8 R Cincinatti L BC Lift Turn Spank Step
8 L Cincinnati R Maxi Ford in groups 5.6.7
888 3- 7 count Riff  Wings ripple
888 2 Buffalo Turn Step 7-count Riff, FL FL FL FL
88 Bombershay out (6) Maxi ford
88 Drawbacks Step PiVot  Maxi ford
SPOTLIGHT Section 8888
4 counts each
Instrumental 8888
R FLBC Irish FLBC Cramp Roll, L FLBC R Irish, Buffalo Turn
L FLBC Irish FLBC Cramp Roll, L FLBC R Irish, Buffalo Turn
(oving to Cluster?)
Chorus 8888 Pose

CLC Tap II Step Sheet

Waterloo step sheet

Intro:88 Hold (or turn to front in groups)
88  Group 1: Dig Dig step step, shbc shbc, step maxi ford stamp
88 Group 2: Dig Dig step step, shbc shbc, step maxi ford stamp
8 Group 1: Fl heel, Fl heel, shbc shbc
8 Group 2: Fl heel, Fl heel, shbc shbc
8: Every one Turn (Sh, toe toe heel heel turn), Shbc
88 Time step R L (Traditional double) R Shbc shbc step step
88: Time step R L (Traditional double) R Shbc shbc step step
88 R Fl heel Fl heel, fl together step, BC L Fl heel Fl heel, fl together step, BC
88 R L Cincinatti, Front side front cincinatti add on, step together
88 L R Cincinatti, Front side front cincinatti add on, step together
8 Line Change
88 Dig Dig step step (turn)  shbc shbc, step maxi ford stamp
88 Dig Dig(back)  step step (Turn), shbc shbc, step maxi ford stamp
8 Back Essence R L R L R L
8 Every one Turn (Sh, toe toe heel heel turn), Shbc
88 Time step R L (Traditional double) R Shbc shbc step step
88: Time step R L (Traditional double) R Shbc shbc step step
88 R Fl heel Fl heel, fl together step, BC L Fl heel Fl heel, fl together step, BC
88 R L Cincinatti, Front side front cincinatti add on, step together


Encore Practice Steps October 26th

Riff Practice

Back Essence Practice

Cincinnati Practice 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Encore October 21st

Here is the step sheet as promised:

The video for the back essence is posted in the post just below for CLC Tap II.

Step Sheet:
Key: FLBC=Flap Ball Change; SHBC=Shuffle Ball change; R=Right. L=Left

Maxi Ford Pick up in three Groups
8 Sugars
Jitterbug Step (R Step Heel L Step Heel R Step Heel L Ball change L Step Heel R Step Heel L Step Heel R BC
8 (16 counts) FLBC in a circle
Irish, Irish, SH BC SH BC
Irish Irish, 2 jazz squares
Jitterbug Step
8 FLBC in a circle with partners(Line change)
7 Count Riff (Brush scuff heel dig toe drop heel heel) R and L
Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo FLBC
Jitterbug step
FLBC to partners
8 FL to pyramid
Back Essence Back Essence SHBC SHBC Back Essence Back Essence
4 count Grape vine R and L
Jitterbug Step
8 FLBC in circle
Cincinatti R L, R Step Maxi Ford R Step Maxi Ford, 8 sugars
Jitterbug step,
FLBC off stage

Here is the completed dance. Please forgive the pretzel part, as we completely messed that up.

CLC Tap II October 15th

Costuming: Tie-dyed t shirt with black pants. Please bring a white shirt to class. I have a student in another class who will take care of the tie-dye for us.

Back Essence practice video

clc Tap III October 15

Current Choreography-- You can't see all of the 1941 maxi ford ripple, but we will work on that more next time.

Costuming: You provide grey cap sleeve t-shirt or wide tank top (no strappy camis) and black tights.
I'll provide grey dress and colorful sash.

Encore October 14, 19

Here is a tutorial of the 7 count riff

Here is the video of all we learned. This is one option for our  complete number 

Monday, October 12, 2015

CLC Tap III October 8th

We spent time reviewing our time steps, maxi fords--adding flaps and pickups. We added a little to our choreography as well.

CLC Tap II October 8th

We worked on our Waterloo number.
The time step combination is really the trickiest part.
Here is a slower breakdown of just that combination: Time Step Time Step Shuffle Ball CHange Shuffle Ball Change

We also finished the Chorus. Here it is with music through the chorus.

CLC Tap I October 8th

We worked on getting good sound from our FLAPS and SHUFFLES. Both should have two distinct sounds. No scraping! :) Also working to keep the heels out of the action.

We will build on this combo.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Encore Tap October 5th and 7th

Jailhouse Rock is coming along great.

Steps to work on:
Flap Ball Change--Getting them little and fast
7 count Riff (Brush scuff heel dig drop heel heel)
Irish (Shuffle Hop Step)
Buffalo (Step Shuffle Step)
Cincinatti/Alexander/Shirley Temple--Not in choreography yet, but learning and practicing.

Credit Tap, October 5th and 7th

This week we progressed with our Blue Foot Boogie mashup. The entire Footloose section has been introduced.

Steps to work on:
Buck Single Time Step (Stomp Hop Step Flap Step, Stomp Hop Step Flap Step)

Cincinnati/Alexander/Shirley Temple (Flap Heel Heel Spank Heel Toe Heel)

Formation for Footloose:

Joy                 Kristin
Ray    Beverly  Jeanne    Suzan
Lauren  Heather          Jessica     Sheila

We also introduced the chorus and transition steps of Blue Suede Shoes.

Welcome to Super Tappy

I have been teaching tap dancing at San Juan College for four years, mostly non-credit classes. I find that many of my students have difficulty getting all the practice they would like in the one to two hours a week I have with them. This blog is meant to be a resource for their practice.